Monday, May 10, 2010

Shirley Rickett, La Poeta

Jose E. Salinas

1. Shirley Rickett presenting her book, Dinner in Olso
2. Rickett talking about her experience in Berlin
3. Rickett shaking hands with fellow poet Daniel Garcia
4. Rickett talking about her inspiration
5. Rickett about to start reading
6. "Riding the trains, Berlin 2002"
7. Rickett continues to read "Riding trains, Berlin 2002"
8. Rickett expressing how she felt when she went to Berlin
9. Rickett mentioning how the kids of Natzi felt
10. Reckett continues to read from her chapbook
11. Rickett reading
12. All she
13. Is Doing
14. Is Reading
15. From her
16. Chapbook
17. So It
18. Gets Kinda
19. Boring
20. and so
21. Do my
23. These get better!
24. Rickett reading "Blues"
25. Rickett reading from her manuscript
26. Any questions?

P.S. Sorry...the cutlines are all lame, but I'm out of it!

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