Thursday, May 13, 2010


1. Third baseman Vincent Mejia goes to base to bat for the UTPA Broncs.
2. Vincent Mejia slides to home base as HBU catcher catches the ball.
3. HBU catcher goes higher in the air as Mejia continues to slide to home.
4. HBU catcher attempts to tag out Mejia.
5. Mejia completes the run.
6. First baseman Garrett Bivone passes the ball to second baseman Angel Ibanez in an attempt to get two outs.
7. Pitcher Billy Donaho goes to base to bat.
8. Outfielder Alex Carnall throws the ball infield to try to get an out.
9. Catcher Mike McCarthy attempts to hit the ball.
10. Catcher Mike McCarthy waits for the right moment to hit the ball.
11. Catcher Mike McCarthy effectively hit the ball.
12. Pitcher Doug Roth relived pitcher Luis Flores after 6 1/3 innings.
13. Pitcher Luis Flores was tagged with the win on Sunday against HBU.
14. Pitcher Doug Roth prepares to pitch.
15. Pitcher Doug Roth pitches against an HBU batter.
16. Pitcher Doug Roth pitches a fast ball.
17. Catcher Mike McCarthy returns the ball after a HBU batter got a strike.
18. Alex Carnall slides to third base.
19. Mike McCarthy attempts to bunt the ball.
20. Catcher Mike McCarthy and pitcher Luis Flores take a moment to discuss strategies.
21. Pitcher Luis Flores started game 4 against HBU.
22. Pitcher Luis Flores pitches against HBU in the third inning.
23. Billy Donaho steps up to bat.
24. Catcher Mike McCarthy returns the ball to the pitcher.
25. Vincent Mejia hits the ball.
26. Vincent Mejia runs to first base.
27. Abraham Garcia is congratulated by his teammates after hitting a home run.
28. Mike McCarthy bats against HBU pitcher.
29. After hitting the ball, Mike McCarthy runs to base.
30. Angel Ibanez throws to Garrett Bivone in order to get an HBU batter out.

1 comment:

say it. You know you want to.